Friday, November 13, 2009

The Law of Attraction and Unemployment

"When Your Practiced Thought
Becomes a Dominant Thought

Whenever you have consistently focused upon a subject, causing a consistent vibrational activation of it within you, it becomes a practiced dominant thought.  And once that happens, things that match it will begin to manifest around your dominant thought. In the same way that your earlier thought was joined by other thoughts that matched it-now things that match your dominant thought will begin to show up in your experience: magazine articles, conversations with friends, personal observations... the attraction process will become very apparent.  Once your focused attention has sufficiently activated a dominant vibration within you, things-wanted or unwanted-will begin to make their way into your personal experience.  It is Law."
-"Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires" By Esther and Jerry Hicks

So, for one (positive) example, i start talking and thinking about massage in relation to treatment for people with spinal cord injuries right as i start a class at The New School for Massage called Special Populations.  Next, i happen to grab a Massage and Bodywork magazine off my shelf that has an article called "Appreciating Clients' Health Challenges."  Then, a friend mentions a friend of hers who became an LMT just to be able to give a massage to his brother every day to help with his Cerebral Palsy.  Things keep coming to my attention that correlate to working with this specific population, including an idea that could become patented and sold to massage therapists who work with people who use a wheelchair.

When it had been first mentioned to me that i might try to receive unemployment after losing my job in August, something in my gut said "no!" and it wasn't pride.  The idea that i might not have a job, within the time frame allotted by my savings, was disconcerting at best.  While i was reading the passage above it dawned on me that if i constantly focus my attention on the fact that i do not have a job, it will continue to be a fact in my life.  So, all of the energy that i use to think about unemployment, keep track of my job searches, and deal with the hassle of paperwork not having been done correctly, the more that vibration of not having a job will resonate and i will continue to feel negative emotions that are out of alignment with who i really am.  On the flip side, if i focus on finding the job that is perfect for me right now and do visualizations and focus on all the positive emotions that go with it, then that will be my dominant thought and vibration.

i think that the most important lesson being learned by me from this is that i have to rely on/trust my gut instinct, even if i do not understand where it is coming from.  i so far have not received any unemployment payments, due to complications, but also have not decided whether closing the claim would be the right decision.  until i receive further insight, i will hold true to my grocery store wisdom and "stay in the first line that i pick."